
Army wife quilter

June 6, 2011

A ribbon rack for me

I wanted my own ribbon rack.  With my husbands help, this is how I did it.  First I bought a couple of boards from Lowe's. 
I had them cut 1 x 4 x 27 x 2 sides
1 x 4 x 21 top center
1/2 x 2 x 21 bottom center
4 wooden dowels 3/8 x 28
finishing nails
picture hangers
I traced a pattern from a gun rack I found online, on to my boards.

 This is where my awesome husband comes in.  He cut out the pattern on the three boards.  I am a little scared of big power tools.
 The don't match very well but it is hard to get them traced the same.  I then took my dremel and sanded the heck out of the boards to make them smooth.
 I marked were I wanted the top and bottom boards to go then I hammered them together with two finishing nails on each side board.  I am not scared of a hammer.  You do this with the top and bottom.
This is how it looked all put together. Of course I learned fast that if you put the picture hangers on the top board before you nail them to the sides it helps. 

These are my ribbons.  I put it up higher on the wall than I care for but it works.  It is at least level. Does it look awesome or what?

i am linked at:

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.